Friday, September 7, 2018

Paul Krugman, the ultimate partisan hack, calling others "partisan"

Dear Paul Krugman,

Please go back on your medications. Let me point out some of the sewage that you published in your article:

1) You blame the Republican Party for being totally "partisan" in the Judge Kavanaugh hearings. You omit to mention that EVERY Democrat on the committee, and almost every Democrat in the entire US Senate, had essentially announced opposition to the nominee before he was even NAMED, much less before the hearings occurred. Stop with the "We should be bi-partisan" stuff until it works both ways. You don't get your way because you whine the loudest.

2) You say that Judge Kavanaugh will be confirmed unless the Republicans develop "A very late case of conscience". So.... you are suggesting that Republicans should not vote for a nominee who embodies their judicial philosophy just to please liberals? What planet are you from?

3) You also say that Judge Kavanaugh is "displaying an evasiveness utterly at odds with the probity we used to expect of Supreme Court justices". When???? prior to the Robert Bork hearings? Back in 1875? you mean like the last eight nominations that are all currently on the US Supreme Court? Since Judge Kavanaugh is doing EXACTLY the same thing that all eight did (NO one offers an opinion on anything since the Bork hearings), that must be what you mean. However, I don't recall you protesting when Justices Kagan, Breyer, or Sotomayor did the same in their hearings.

4) You also say that President Trump "eked out an Electoral College win only with aid from a hostile foreign power." Really??? So 304-227 represents "eked out"? Looks more like "butt kicked". And, after more than eighteen months of investigation, the only "collusion" with Russia has been found on the Democrat side in obtaining phony opposition research and likely criminal FISA court warrants. By the way, Andrew McCabe is now in front of a grand jury investigation. If I was Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bill Preistap, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Glenn Simpson, James Baker, etc., I would be sweating bullets. The shoe is about to drop.

5) With no evidence at all, you also say that the conservative justices on the US Supreme Court will "abuse their power at every level.". Based on what, Chicken Little?

6) You also write that Judge Kavanaugh spent time in the President Bush White House, which used enhanced interrogation techniques, when it has been shown that he had NOTHING to do with that program. All of the attorneys who did legal work on the program have said as much. If someone is taking out a loan in a bank, at the time the bank is robbed by completely unknown people, would you advocate arresting that person for bank robbery because the person was in the building when it happened?

Mr. Krugman, you are the very definition of a partisan hack, and have been for years. Your calling other people names has ZERO credibility. And, you should note that, just today, Democrat Senators Heitkamp and Manchin have already said that they will likely vote for Kavanaugh. It is fairly likely that Democrat Senators Donnelly, McCaskill, Neslon, and Testor end up voting for him, since he is getting confirmed anyway and they are in tough elections in red states. It is next to impossible to argue that someone who has been a Circuit Court of Appeals Judge for twelve years, has written 307 opinions, and has Judge Kavanaugh's stellar academic record and credentials is "not qualified" to be on the court just because he won't be a rubber stamp for your policies.

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