Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Democratic Soap Opera♦

It is really interesting to watch the latest in the Democratic Party nomination process. Barrack Obama still leads in delegates and it is pretty far-fetched to see Hillary Clinton catch him mathematically, given the proportional distribution system the party uses in their nomination process. It is also apparent that the Clinton campaign is getting pretty desperate because they have begun to try to destroy Barrack Obama. I have always found it ironic how the Clintons have always wanted it both ways. When their actions are examined closely, it is either a "vast right wing conspiracy" or "the politics of personal destruction". But every time they find themselves behind the eight ball, their tactic is always to try to destroy anyone who gets in their way (e.g., Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Ken Starr, Kathleen Willey, etc.).

Barrack Obama is facing a tough fork in the road. His campaign has been trying to remain positive and to set a new tone but if he doesn't respond to the Clinton attacks, he will appear weak. Since everyone knows that Clinton will stop at nothing to achieve her ends, making vicious attacks doesn't affect anyone's opinion of her, sadly. However, when Obama fights back, she can claim he was facetious in saying he wanted to run a positive campaign. For her, it is a no lose strategy because without it, her campaign is lost, anyway.

The interesting fact is that, on most substantive issues, there is little to no difference in their respective policies. To see so much blood-letting over no real policy differences just points out the egotism in both candidates. It certainly follows since most people who go into politics tend to be egocentric. If the race really was about issues, it would be much less rancorous.

The real shame in all this is that the Democratic Party is taking an election that should be a walk in the park and are trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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